The Crypto Wealthy’s Guide to Enjoying and Securing your Fortune

Magic Speed
2 min readMay 13, 2023


Hey there, Crypto Kings and Queens!
First off, big congratulations on striking it rich in the digital gold rush! 🚀 Now, you’re probably wondering, “What’s next?” That’s what I’m here for, to guide you on securing and enjoying that hard-earned moolah. We’re not talking about “Buy low, sell high” or “Diversify your portfolio” here. Nah, that’s basic stuff. We’re going for the next level: “Invest in YOU.”

1. Make Home Base a Safe Base 🏠

First things first, secure your base. Buy a home, your own castle, your personal paradise. Pay for it outright. No mortgages, no loans. This is the first step to securing your wealth. It’s yours, and no one can take it away from you. Plus, you get to wake up every day in a place you’ve truly earned.

2. A Rainy Day is Just Another Day ☔️

Next, make sure you’ve got a cushion for those less-than-sunny days. Keep enough cash to cover your living expenses for three years. Yes, three years. This gives you the freedom to continue your crypto adventures without worrying about where your next meal is coming from.

3. Invest in What You Love 💖

Now, this is where it gets fun. Got a thing for vintage cars or luxury watches? Maybe you’ve always wanted to travel the world or own a vineyard in Tuscany? This is the time to invest in what gives you joy, energy, and fulfillment. Remember, you didn’t get wealthy just to get more stress, right?

4. The Misconception about Investing After Wealth 💡

A lot of people will tell you, “Invest in startups! Buy stocks! Purchase real estate and rent it out!” But here’s the thing, did you get rich doing any of these? Do you have an edge in these areas? Remember, only the things you understand and have an edge in will make you money. If you start something new, chances are, you’ll be paying for your learning lessons first.

5. Lock-In, Secure, and Continue the Hustle 🔒

The goal is to lock in your wealth, secure it, and then continue doing what you’ve been doing to make more money. Unless you want to retire, of course. But who wants to do that when there are more crypto mountains to climb, right? Remember, folks, wealth isn’t just about financial security, it’s also about personal freedom and satisfaction. So, keep it cool, keep it fun, and keep it YOU. After all, you didn’t become crypto wealthy by following the crowd, did you? 😉

